Being a board certified oral and maxillofacial specialist, Dr. Hudson is very well versed and qualified to repair facial injuries. These include emergency dental care, acute treatment, and long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation of facial and dental injuries. Examples of facial and dental injuries include:
Facial lacerations
Intraoral lacerations
Avulsed (knocked out) teeth
Fractured facial bones (cheek, nose, or eye socket)
Fractured jaws (upper and lower jaw)
Many extensive injuries have to be treated in a hospital setting. Dr. Hudson is on Staff at Virtua hospital Systems, should her services be required.
Isolated injuries to teeth are quite common and may require the expertise of various dental specialists. Dr. Hudson is usually involved in treating fractures in the supporting bone, or in replanting teeth that have been displaced or knocked out. These types of injuries are treated by one of a number of forms of splinting (stabilizing by wiring or bonding teeth together). If a tooth is knocked out it should be placed in salt water or milk. The sooner the tooth is re-inserted into its socket the better chance it will survive. Therefore, the patient should see a dentist or oral surgeon as soon as possible. Never attempt to wipe the tooth off, since remnants of the ligament that hold the tooth in the jaw are attached and are vital to the success of replanting the tooth. In the event that injured teeth cannot be saved or repaired, dental implants are often now utilized as replacements for missing teeth.